Neighborhood Pharmacy is an independently-owned and operated compounding pharmacy serving the many residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania since 2009.
AT NEIGHBORHOOD PHARMACY WE PRIDE ourselves on giving personalized service that is compassionate and friendly yet also professional and efficient. We take pride in helping our patients and understand the challenges that people have especially in difficult economic times. We are not just your standard retail pharmacy as our services include but are not limited to; specialty compounding, long term care services, free delivery and much more.
Neighborhood compounding pharmacy takes the time to listen and create medications to suit the unique needs of patients. We are a fully equipped compounding pharmacy that can provide custom prescriptions free of dye, binders and additives. Not all compounding pharmacies are equal. At Neighborhood compounding pharmacy our compounding process, attention to detail, and quality of the compounding components makes our formulations exceptional. Our experienced compounding pharmacists collaborate with patients and healthcare practitioners to provide better patient outcomes and innovative solutions for health and wellness success. We are PROUD to be a leader in the compounding pharmacy industry.
Our Services
Prescription Transfer

Contact Us
Neighborhood Compounding Pharmacy
- 5701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. 19139